Wednesday 25 January 2017

Windows screen, Poop screen and US immigrant screen

Shiny blue patterned silk fabric at 40x magnification

With the inevitability that only Microsoft can engineer, my laptop decided at 11:30pm that it would be a good time to begin a major update of Windows 10. Loth to leave the poor machine running all by itself, inadvertently overheating, catching flame and burning the house down, I began reading 'Unseen Academicals' by Terry Pratchett and kept it company. Fortunately, the update, with its innumerable reboots, final check and installation of an undefined new feature was completed 125 pages later  allowing me to go to bed at about at 2:30 am - a full 90 minutes earlier than the day before!

As a special treat in your sixtieth year, you are sent a bowel screening kit. Simply catch some poo, they say, take two swabs and smear on the special card, repeat a further two times and send back within 14 days of first poop. Today, on my second attempt in a week, I turned getting the first samples into a reality. Ah! the thrills of being a sextuagenarian!

This evening, took about 60 to 90 images each of three different silk fabrics at about 40x magnification and combined them into focus stacks.

PM May trumped detractors by pulling promise of a white paper out of a hat just as Jeremy Corbyn and others were going to demand one. The question is, will it actually be made available before the promised Brexit Bill is approved by parliament?

POTUS Trump trumped himself with another series of signed directives - building that Wall to keep the Mexicans out, limiting influx of immigrants and an outright ban on people from certain Muslim countries. This includes Iraq! There is also talk of a possible draft executive order to reintroduce so-called 'black sites' outside of the US where suspects could be taken to in other countries, and a consultation on the use of more rigorous interrogation techniques, such as waterboarding.

Hard to believe.

But then, contrary to all evidence of US voter fraud, there will be an investigation into it - presumably to explain away the 3 million more votes for  Hillary Clinton.

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