Saturday 7 January 2017

Continuing cold and a lack of fiery sparks

Flower as red as my nose in Cambridge Botanic Garden
Friday 6th. Second night sleeping sitting up on chair downstairs just to be able to breathe. Mind you, spent half the night again watching films. Can recommend the french animation film about a Russian princess who seeks to rescue her polar explorer grandfather, ‘Long Way North’.

Surfaced out of bed in evening to see that the media-expected sparks between Donald J Trump and US security experts failed to fly visibly. Read the report on Russian hacking and other propaganda activity released to the public. Also trawled German, UK and US commentary. Interesting that British intelligence had alerted US to the activity initially.

Trumps response that of a politician - requesting action on preventing hackers access to sensitive sites within 90 days of assuming office, followed by comments that hacking had not affected the outcome of the election. With grinding teeth, have to acknowledge that he is probably right. I think politicians within Europe (that includes the UK, for the geographically challenged) and the US have underestimated and blatantly ignored the groundswell of dissatisfaction.

A good friend of mine used to talk about 'the thin veneer of civilisation' that hides a rawer, more visceral and narcissistic human streak. It is the ugly thing that waits to break loose when the opportunity arises or a feeling of being ignored grows beyond breaking point - see the rise in xenophobia or even the opportunistic rampages of mobs plundering shops during riots.

Good news though, I've come out in a rash! It's a general indicator whenever I'm ill that my immune system is gradually winning!

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