Wednesday 11 January 2017

Different Truths

Word Cloud for Different Truths

I could say that I stayed up till four in the morning to watch Obama give his final speech to the nation in Chicago. I was actually finishing my book “The Truth” by Terry Pratchett. However, President Obama’s speech was a sufficient distraction to tear me from the novel.  He appeared relaxed in front of his Chicago audience. He was eloquent and no doubt left some of his audience behind occasionally.

He appreciated the warmth of the “Four more years!” chant, gently chiding “I can’t do that”. Obama was warm and moved as he paid respects to Michelle and his children.  Above all, he appeared like that rare example to others in these times – someone who genuinely commands respect for his beliefs, integrity and dedication to public office despite the massive obstacles put in his way.

Up again at nine and off to Suffolk to visit a friend and author to discuss and plan the second expanded edition of “Understanding and Using the Stereomicroscope”, to be published later this year.

In the evening, out to German speaking friends, a “Stammtisch” that evolved out of a kids club we had when all our children were still growing up. The group has a wider European perspective and conversation flowed around which of the parents had or were taking on British nationality and who’s children were eyeing the possibility of taking up a European passport. Each looking to secure their futures, as the ill wind of Brexit swept through our lives.

There were grim tidings from the University on increasing difficulties in getting funding and staff for research. Personal experiences of work within the health service underlined the statistics of an overburdened and cash strapped NHS as in the evenings news that factually countered the misleading ministerial utterances of the day.

More serious issues were also discussed at length between the nibbles and warming no-alcoholic fruit-punch, such as the best way to drop someone off or pick them up from Stansted airport: The medium stay car park was a good tip, with the free shuttle to the terminal. But beware of returning to the passenger drop-off and collect point immediately outside the terminal if your pick-up was not there first time – one stop was a reasonable £3 for the privilege but two stops amounted to the £50 rate!

Then there was the critical admiration for the beautifully oiled and smoothly working bearings of a heavy duty rolling pin, an accessory that should definitely be on my next Christmas list.

The late night news and browsing of various news sources in the UK, Germany and the US ended the day with President Elect Donald J Trump’s news conference.

Muck flew in both directions, following the release of the unsubstantiated intelligence report. I scanned through the 35 pages of the poisonous document that had apparently been circulating around the press and intelligence agencies for months, and been shown to both Trump and Obama. I’ll reserve judgement till claims are supported by facts - old fashioned of me I know in this post–truth world.

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