Wednesday 18 January 2017

Photography insights fail to counteract post May-Brexit-talk

Prickly times ahead?
CSS, amazing photography talk and the day after May's Brexit talk.

Finally getting to grips with the CSS changes required for the website I'm building for a friend/client. It's just taken most of the day to finally alter element dimensions, text size shifts etc that work in a responsive manner.

The highlight of the day was the evening talk by Andy Hanson from the Bottisham and Burwell Photographic Club, at the Milton Photographic Club, ably assisted by partner Daphne, a photographer in her own right. Over 2 hours, with a deserved tea break, Andy took us on a humorous talk, illustrated with his prints. He definitely has a style which impressed me with his simplicity of composition. I'm taking the use of triangles with me, and also the way he described how he took portraits of people on the street around the world. You'll have to go and physically visit the Bottisham and Burwell club meetings to see his pictures as he does not have an online presence.

The right wing British was positively radiating a self-satisfied patriotism. 'We could have written May's speech ourselves', they crowed. Yes, Johnny foreigner has been put in his place by PM May, Wot! Boris also entered the fray be telling France not to respond with Nazi era punishment revenge beatings. Yes, that should create the right climate for future negotiations.

Continental Press unimpressed. There was one glorious comment on Newsnight tonight, that we seemed to be dealing with a Boris Trump. One could only have have sympathy with all the hard working negotiators and civil servants who had to put up with his embarrassing idiosyncrasies. The shortest cynical comment seen today in Spiegel, 'All I heard was, "We want, We want!" from the UK.

Had a note from a former colleague who lived and worked for 47 years in the UK, paid his NHS contributions, and is now refused assistance with his new life in Spain - because he is a EU national. HSB and USB announce that they intend to move up to 1000 staff each across the Channel in 2 years with Brexit

Aaargh, what is this country coming to!

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