Monday 25 September 2017

Trump-Democrats Collaboration? First day in Desenzano Del Garda

Thursday, 14th September

Positive news coming out of a White House dinner, to which President Trump invited some Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi. There appears to be movement on finding solutions to illegal immigration.

After breakfast at 9, we wandered through some of the back roads in the West side of Desenzano, then down to the beach, where a young grebe swam within a metre of the shore whilst a white egret watched from 20 metres away. There was high cloud cover above and lower cloud or fog across the lake, partially hiding the distant mountains. The sun tried breaking through as we walked back to the hotel.

Our bags had been moved to a quieter of smaller room but with a decent shower and larger windows that were not overlooked. It did lack an adapter to allow modern continental two pin plugs to connect with the old Italian 3 pin ones but his was quickly remedied by Bruno.

Having gained an adapter, we suddenly noticed the absence of the standard tea tray with a kettle, beverage sachets and milk. I had fun delaying our second walk, working out how to phrase the request in Italian. Yes, Bruno spoke English, but I did not want to be the tourist who didn't make the effort.

We went out, had Piadinas (Italian wrapped flat bread) whilst looking across the lake and then wandered along the east coast. Catching a bus back, we returned to our room to have a cup of tea and a rest. A kettle, milk and sugar had been delivered, but no tea bags. Trivial, and another opportunity to practice an Italian phrase.  Thinking about visiting the town of Breschia by bus, we asked for a time table. Now, over a cup of tea, Jane opened it and found - it covered any bus, apart from the one to Breschia!

Torrential rain descended in the evening, so we snuck through the hotel into the attached Trattoria, beating the rush and getting a table for two. An enjoyable meal, I had an octopus salad out of curiosity, not having eaten any since a paella, decades ago. For the curious, it tastes like chicken but with a smoother texture.

With the rain having passed, we walked off our meal and I tried some nighttime photography around the town. Tried a different ice cream parlour tonight, sharing effectively a fruit salad plus ice-cream in a large waffle.

Settling in for a quiet night, the silence was disrupted by a vociferous argument wafting in through the open window. An Italian lady berating a contrite male, till she had the ire out of her system.

It's looking promising for a better night.

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