Wednesday 27 September 2017

Brexit negotiations yet to leave the harbour. Labour resets mainstream?

Brexit negotiations - the boat has still to leave the harbour
Whilst the Brexit negotiations grind on (EU - we'd like you to resolve the issues of payments, EU citizen's rights and the Northern Ireland border; UK - we would like to talk about trade after Brexit please), the UK is also trying to find a chink in the armour by travelling around Europe and talking to individual country's leaders. Theresa May talks to Donald Tusk and Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, Philip Hammond, David Davis and Boris Johnson have talked to a range of others from Sweden to the Czech Republic. Unfortunately for the UK, there still seems to be a united front.

In the meantime, all focus was on the Labour Party conference, full of turbocharged Corbynmania. Apparently the combined will of the left has dragged the the entire nation towards them, making them the new centreground of British politics. Notable points in Corbyns speech - Call to give EU citizens the full guarantees and certainty after Brexit; not blaming migrants for the ills of society; full access to the single market. Oh, and a major nationalisation campaign plus restriction on rent rises.

First real work day - catching up on a fortnight's mail.

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