Friday 28 July 2017

US political insults sink to new low. Brexit planes and NI. Norwich outing

A busy 24 hours or so in the US as President Trump fires/accepts the resignation of Reince Priebus from post of Trump's Chief of Staff and announces his replacement as General John Kelly, who currently heads the Department of Homeland Security. Senator John McCain deals the final low to the current attempts to vote to repeal Obamacare. Using the 'F' word and a 'paranoid schizophrenic' as an insult to denigrate a political opponent has apparently become acceptable in US political discourse. North Korea launches an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of carrying a nuclear warhead to the mainland US.

Brexit issues in discussion today included the problems in the aviation industry that could halt flights and international manufacturing collaborations, on Newsnight. Sky News picked up that, with a UK exit from the customs union, Ireland proposes that Northern Ireland remains within the customs union, placing the EU UK border into the sea, whilst the UK proposes a technological solution to a re-instated land border. The overall accusation from Ireland mirrors EU Negotiator Michel Barnier's view - the UK has not prepared enough/provided sufficient detail in negotiations.

All this was put aside as Jane and I traveled to Norwich by train from the wonderful Cambridge North Station. We had a tasty lunch at Roger Hickman's Restaurant, then visited the Catholic Cathedral. This was built in the Neo-Gothic style and completed in 1910 as a church for the Catholic community. Whilst much is made of the stained glass from the famous makers Clayton & Bell in reviews, I was impressed by the varied but subtle art nouveau glass windows and took pictures of as many designs as I could. Also, many of the columns were made of a marble that contained crinoid fossils. At the entrance, rain had eroded the stone slightly to enhance the relief of these fossils.

We were going to wind our way through to the Anglican Cathedral but got sidetracked in the Norwich lanes and the Norwich Museum, where entrance was free today. A recuperative tea at Harriet's Tea Rooms and it was then back to the train home for a birthday cake with family.

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