Thursday 2 February 2017

Strand-Beests and Schwarzenegger Trumps

Mini Strand-Beests, White Paper and Schwarzenegger Riposte.

Difficult to get up this morning with signs of aura hinting at migraine to come. Worked and distracted from pain while tablets kicked in. I spent a good time yesterday and today taking January's blog articles and converting them into a Kindle e-book 'BrexiTrumpDiary Jan 2017'. I managed to upload it and check the Kindle conversion. Amazon allow up to 72 h to publish a new e-book, fortunately mine was ready five hours after the final save. It's there if you want it for just 99p.

We've had a man with a spray-can wandering up and down our close, marking the innumerable potholes, there's a sign giving advance notice of the repair work next week Hurrah!

Visit by one of our authors as we worked together, setting up their book and on their Amazon seller account.

Feeling perkier this evening as we went out to our monthly meet at the Milton Artists and Craftists, organised by Marie and Richard. J started a new watercolour, David continued with his lino-cuts and printing. A new visitor, also a Dave, had brought along some beautiful sculptures welded together from cutlery and scrap metal in the form of a dragonfly, a giant spider and a cheeky dog cocking a leg.

I took along a Strand-Beest kit, a great Christmas present from L. It is a replica of work by artist Theo Jansen, kinetic sculptures that are wind driven and walk autonomously along the beach. Incredibly fiddly intitially, I soon got into the swing of things and had almost completed assembly. Something to finish at the weekend, I think.

The White Paper on 'The United Kingdom’s exit from and new partnership with the European Union' is published. The full text, all 77 pages, was available online. It revealed nothing new, containing an expansion and update of the 12 points raised by Theresa May earlier in the year.

Good news from Bank of England,  growth forecast upped to 2%.

POTUS however was active again, with an apparent sharp conversation with the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. The story behind this leaves me with less sympathy with the Australian. The latter's policy is hardline against illegal immigration, with the Australian Government paying for internment camps on other island of Papua New Guinea and Nauru to hold them away from the mainland. Obama had agreed a swap, taking 2000 of the immigrants to Australia, in return for taking some of the displaced people in Central America. Not surprising that Trump not pleased. Perhaps the Australians need to find a better solution. The losers? the people interned for durations of well over a year.

Amusing spat of the day. Trump mocked his successor to the Apprentice and his poor ratings and suggested people pray for him. The intended victim, Arnold Schwarzenegger came back with a brilliant put down.

""Hey Donald, I have a great idea. Why don't we switch jobs?" Schwarzenegger said. "You take over TV because you're such an expert on ratings and I take over your job and then people can finally sleep comfortably again.""

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