Saturday 25 February 2017

Orangettes, Ryanair Jets and Trump Rejects (Dinner Invitation)


A working weekend, continuing with the video editing. For light relief, thought I would try to make orangettes. Now, not only the orange peels but the whole house is suffused with the overpowering scent of anise, with a hint of cinnamon and possibly cardamon. Just got to hope that the peels will crystallise overnight.

Still reading the Sherlock Holmes stories, Today, 'The Beryl Coronet', which led me to ask, what exactly is Beryl? Pure clear Beryl is made of beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate with the chemical formula Be3Al2(SiO3)6. However, additional minerals in small quantities can impart colours such as  green, blue, yellow, red. Green is more familiar as the precious stone, emerald, with blue being aquamarine.

The unexpected surprise was to find that the German word for spectacles, Brille, actually comes from Beryl. In the 13th century, when glasses were first made, glass was still not clear enough to use, so clear quarz  and beryl was used for lenses. Spectacles were therefore known as Berille or Berillen, which later simplified into Brille.

Ryanair is setting a deadline of February 2018 re getting a decision from the Government re Brexit and the ability to fly unhindered in EU space. Currently UK airlines have an 'open skies' agreement with the US and with the rest of the EU, which will fall with Brexit. According to the Express

The 'open skies' agreement is regulated by the ECJ (European Court of Justice), and Prime Minister May wants to be unfettered by the ECJ as part of Brexit.

According to The Guardian, "Every reasonably-sized company in the flourishing financial technology sector – involving e-lending, money transfers and the banking markets – is now actively looking at moving staff and investment out of the country because of the uncertainty caused by Brexit..."

Trump obviously expecting to be working hard in the coming months as he is missing the  White house Correspondents' Association Dinner, which, as far as I can tell, isn't scheduled  till April 29, 2017. Last years dinner included steak with honey and orange-infused shrimp. i still have some syrup left over from the orangettes - does aniseed and cardamon go with shrimp?

In the meantime, Amol Rajan, BBC Media Editor, writes that so far, President Trump has actually been a great boost to the media, with CNN having a good 2016 and the New York times seeing an upsurge in people paying for news.

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