Wednesday 12 December 2018

May Two Thirds Vote Confidence Win but Internecine Conservative War Continues in Westminster Bubble

As I awoke in Germany, the news that there would be a conservative vote on confidence in the Prime Minister was just hitting the news. Back in the UK by the evening, the conservative MPs had voted with an almost two thirds majority that they had confidence in her.

Yet, rather than accept the decision and unite to find a solution best for the country, Westminster conservatives have resorted to its navel gazing in their political bubble. The hard line brexiteers still think she should resign and the continuing internecine war will weaken the ability of the government to function

So, in effect, this has all just been a distraction and the actual problem, the concern at all sides about the Backstop if negotiations fail, is still unresolved. With hardly a rest, the Prime Minister is going off to talk to the EU colleagues tomorrow. A hard brexit on WTO rules seems increasingly likely..

And the reaction in the EU when asked whether the UK had the most unstable government in Europe, one source according to the Guardian replied: “Is there a government in London actually?”

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