Tuesday 13 November 2018

The Draft Brexit Agreement - Make or Break?

Tonight comes the news that the British Cabinet has been called in to hear the news and read the 500 page Draft Brexit Agreement, negotiated between the UK and the EU, on the transition arrangements due to come into force next March.

It engendered immediate:

  • speculation from the Press
  • cries of potential betrayal from the DUP of Northern Ireland who fear being the sacrificial lamb for a borderless Ireland
  • reaction from hardline Brexiteers who deem it to be suffering vassalage (is that a word?) to the EU in all but name
  • meeting by Remainers who see it a potential justification for a new people's vote as the promises of Brexit are shown to be tawdry lies
  • Rejection from the Labour opposition - unless it meets all their demands
Both the UK Cabinet and the EU will be holding special separate meetings tomorrow at 14:00 h to seek backing from their respective cabinet members and country representatives.

The timing is particularly poignant as it is within a week of the WWI armistice centenary, which surely highlighted both the dangers of potential conflict, and the benefit of a Europe working together striving for peace.

At the same time, President Trump, who had seemed to be a more distant partner during the Armistice Centenary meeting of world leaders, and showed a luke-warm attitude to committing to commemorate the war dead of his own country, fell back to negative tweets on the host country France and it's President after he left. Perhaps the most tasteless one was:

Emmanuel Macron suggests building its own army to protect Europe against the U.S., China and Russia. But it was Germany in World Wars One & Two - How did that work out for France? They were starting to learn German in Paris before the U.S. came along. Pay for NATO or not!

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