Monday 9 July 2018

British Politics Navel Gazing after BoJo and David Davis Depart.

Summer over the Ouse.
Today I've been aroused out of my Brexitrump apathy. Boris has decided to forgo 'polishing the turd' of Prime Minister May's Chequers agreement on a softer Brexit negotiating position. Instead, the proverbial excrement is hitting the fan with the Tory Party in disarray. However, Brexiteers have not accumulated enough votes within the Tory party for a leadership challenge. So, David Davis and Boris Johnson are out of Government.

All this internal wrangling is a bit like fiddling while Rome burns. This in a week where the UK is supposed to be a sensible partner in a major NATO meeting later this week; the Prime Minister needs to meet with Angela Merkel and welcome President Trump to the UK. The President Trump that plans to remonstrate with NATO and then go on for a personal meeting with President Putin in Russia. This, after in a UK citizen dies due to inadvertent exposure to the nerve agent Novichock, which the UK, supposedly a US ally, believes was left over from a Russia orchestrated attack on a former Russian spy.

So Britain continues to drift like a rudderless ship towards a possible hard Brexit.

We currently have far more pressing issues on our minds than the mere collapse of British politics as we know it: We are in the final stages of planning our Cambridge Open Studio, opening this coming weekend.

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