Friday 5 January 2018

Fire and Fury Damp Squib? Google Technology Relevant to Helping the Elderly

Huntingdon floods 2014
Fire and Fury, the gossipers expose on the inside of the White House sold out today. Apart from that fact, there seems to be few new revelations coming to light and the major media are hardly giving the book much attention.

The main news from the US instead, is the cold 'bomb' that has plunged the East coast of the the US into extreme sub-zero temperatures.

Just briefly popping up from under the radar is the proposal by the Trump administration to expand offshore drilling into hitherto protected Atlantic and Pacific shelf areas. Environmental groups and law makers are already opposing the plans.

First networking day of the year. Traveling the back roads to get to St Ives and later Huntingdon showed rivers in full flow and some fields still partially flooded, though not as bad as seen in the past. I met up with an old friend who is into technology today and marveled at the integration of wifi tech in managing his lighting, energy and security using Google/android based systems. also impressed by the Pixel 2 smartphone ability to generate video with additional augmented reality. A short demo had me in the kitchen being attacked by a mini star wars fighter. Apart from the enthusiasm in what is possible, I could see immediate practical opportunities in the care and monitoring of the elderly with dementia or physical disabilities in the home. It is now quite feasible to have a system set up to monitor motion within the house and also to communicate via wi-fi directly through the relevant cameras. Must follow up.

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