Thursday 21 December 2017

128 Countries Vote against US. PM Visit to Poland. Lie-in and Conversation

Train to St Niklaas seen at Brussels Midi yesterday
The UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly with 128 for the resolution calling on the US to withdraw its recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. I'm pleased to note that the UK and Germany were amongst those who did so, especially as the UK is now under pressure with regards to achieving a trade deal with the US in the longer term.

Will Nikki Haley take the list of those 128 countries who voted against the US to President Trump and this result in cuts of support and funding? Funding overseas activities comes under several different strands in the US, from military and development aid to bolster influence, to humanitarian assistance. A response, if it comes, may be more nuanced. No tweets from POTUS on the subject seen yet. Another interpretation is that this is political posturing for the US domestic base.

The UK does seem to be taking a less discerning attitude with regards to Poland, with Prime Minister Theresea May visiting the latter for talks and seeking support for the UK's Brexit negotiations. Poland is currently under caution by the EU because its changes to the constitution are seen as blurring,, or even removing, the separation of the Judiciary from the Political leadership. The EU is contemplating starting procedings that could potentially cut off EU funding to Poland for not keeping to the spirit of fundamental democratic principles. Should the UK be seeking assistance from a country that is weakening its democracy? The next telling visit would be one to Austria where the far right has gained a foothold in government.

After a lie-in to recover from yesterday's travel we chatted and echanged stories before going out to do some food shopping for the next few days. An old friend dropped by in the evening to share a meal and further conversation.

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