Wednesday 1 November 2017

Fallon's Fall. Brexit "Humble Address". The 3Ps - Pee Poo and Paper

Thorns in your side?
It looks like there is a real change permeating through the UK in terms of the acceptability of sexual abuse of power against women and men. The publicised scandals initiated by Harvey Weinstein in the US and the outing of similar behaviour in the heart of Westminster.

It led to Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon's resignation today. Not so much because of the inappropriate knee touching incident, which Julia Hartley Brewer robustly brushed off more than a decade ago and regards as done and dusted. There was apparently no guarantee that other more recent 'inappropriate flirtations' (sources in the Guardian) might come to light. No news yet on his replacement. He may not be the sole senior politician to be affected as more stories of inappropriate behavior towards junior men and women in Westminster are surfacing.

This is not the only item today affecting the government and possibly impacting on Brexit. Labour's Keith Starmer used an arcane 19th century "humble address" to place the request for the release of the 58 studies on the impact of Brexit on 88% of the economy. The "humble address" was a request to the Queen, in this case, to direct Brexit Secretary David Davis to release the documents. The parliamentary clerks had agreed that 19th century rules allow MPs to demand papers “which are in the possession of ministers”, by passing a motion. The motion was passed unanimously by MPs.

It was however not clear whether this motion would be binding, though the Speaker John Bercow stated "It is very important that the House polices the enforcement of its own powers - that I think is an observation so clear as really to brook of no contradiction."

The delicate agreement reached appears to be that the papers could be released to the Exiting the European Union committee of cross party MPs for their deliberation. Selected extracts could then be made available. However, it is as yet uncertain when this hand-over the reports would occur.

Today's Huntingdonshire Speaker's Toastmasters meeting in Brampton indelibly imprinted the "Three Ps" into our minds tonight.  The first speaker, Kylie Jones, an expert ecologist from Anglian Water, gave a very humorous and memorable talk on the "Three Ps" that are the only things we should be flushing down the toilet. They are Pee, Poo and (toilet) Paper!  Anything else is likely to block the pumps in the sewerage system, potentially leading to backflow and very unpleasant material coming back into homes and gardens. Nappies, rags and other items not 3Ps are common causes and it appears there are repeat offenders who do not learn from their smelly mistakes

She also reminded us of the 'fatberg' found in the London sewer system. At 130 metric tons (11 double decker buses) of congealed fat, it blocked 250 metres of sewer and was a major removal task. So enormous, some of it could even become a cautionary exhibit. Fatbergs are created when liquid fat is poured down the drains and into the sewers where it cools and congeals, trapping other items and obviously causing blockages.

Totally by coincidence, the third speaker of the day talked about - having to try and remove an intransigent toilet blockage, deep within the domestic system. He added another two Ps to the scatalogical subject - the requirement for Patience and Persistence in solving the problem. Something achieved using "rodding" - another word to add to our vocabulary.

I think I'll stick with the Three Ps and avoid the problem in the first place - especially as you have to pay for problems that need resolving on your own property.

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