Sunday 27 August 2017

Legalised Drugs to Deaden Brexit Pain? Minimalist Squirrel

Summer on the river
After Labour's announcement yesterday that they would stay in the customs union and abide by EU rules during a Brexit transition period, news today that they are expecting a hit from those Labour members who voted for Brexit. With both parties split to some degree over the Brexit issue, perhaps two new parties will crystallise out - Conbour as pro Brexit and Labcon as Remainers. Suddenly, the Liberal Democrats policy of legalising cannabis makes a lot more sense. We could cope better with all the Brexit confusion if on a legal high.

Much like this years earlier flooding on the Indian subcontinent, hurricane (now storm) Harvey is causing death and destruction for millions in Texas. The grimmest advice was to take to the roofs if affected by flooding and not to go up into the attic, unless you had an axe to hack your way out.

With another sunny day in Milton, we took to our bikes for a short tour up the river Cam and back down through Horningsea.

Walnut by the back door
On our return, we found that we now have a minimalist squirrel. Tucked tidily into a corner by our side door was a walnut. We think that this must be the brainchild of a new black squirrel that has been frequenting our garden. It's brazen, loud and obviously innovative. Now this might just have been a single discarded or lost walnut - but we found a similarly placed walnut, in plain sight, perched on the lid of our waterbutt.

Our current theory is that this is actually quite a bright creature. For generation upon generation, squirrels have hidden their nuts, singly or in caches, in lawns, woods and more recently in flower pots. Other squirrels must know this and therefore look in all the obvious places for signs of  buried nuts. Our squirrel has instead adopted a strategy used in our family for hiding small Easter eggs around the house for Easter egg hunts - placing them in plain sight. Because the eyes and brain do not expect this, you often do not see something that is in direct line of sight. Its a genius and also time saving solution, as no digging is involved. Our fluffy tailed hero has more time for brazen posturing and loud chattering.

Walnut on Water Butt

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