Saturday 13 May 2017

Photographic day and Ransomware Night

Friday 12th May. Was able to take the car today and experience the delays and traffic on the A14, only arriving 20 minutes late at the A14 Coffee Morning. Caught up with breakfast there before going on to the Norris Museum in exile in the Town Hall. The task for today was to photograph an issue of the Hunts Post from five different decades. Fortunately, fellow volunteer Rodney was there to help. We decided that he should have the title of Chief Newspaper Caresser. Joking aside, this was actually a crucial role. As the pages of the bound newspapers were turned, they could be caressed flat for a second or two to photograph, before springing up again.

We finished out task in time for me to set of for the HBN 'Out and About' to the new Wellness Chiropracters in Brampton. It is situated in a beautiful newbuild, with lots of light. After the talk and during the tour, I found myself speculating which walls would be best lit for photography. Volunteers for a portrait practice were found and the picture I particularly liked after editing back at home was that of Richard and his wife as shown above.

The day was not yet finished - Jane and I went along to the Cambridge Open Studios event for new members in the Library of Girton College. A lovely location with a large space for canapes, drinks, and conversation after some of the admin. I was asked to repeat the mime of 'Waiting for Visitors to Your Studio'.

Both Brexit and the continuing  confusion re the FBI sacking by Trump were pushed into the background by an international Ransomware attack which affected a number of NHS Hospitals and major companies in the UK as well as other countries around the world.

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