Friday 31 March 2017

Pedro Bernardo and EU 60th Anniversary

Oil-can decoration of facade in Pedro-Bernardo
Sat 25th March. Today's trip after a leisurely breakfast was to the mountain village of Pedro Bernardo. Driving on the empty roads was a bliss. Junctions needed some getting to. If you want to turn left from a minor road onto a major one, you first cross right over to enter a little loop of road that let's you safely join the traffic by turning right onto the main road. I quite like the idea! 

The main road with its gentle curves followed the wide river valley, then it was down a gear to take the sharper curves and hairpins into the lower cloud base. Clouds were interment so you popped in and out of the mist. The village or small town of Pedro Bernardo Collins which clung in a crescent around the hills overlooking the distant river plain and far, blue grey mountains on the other side. 

I let the elders slowly plod on ahead upwards towards the church whilst I made good use of the borrowed tripod. Entering the narrow streets was a delight, with twists, backgrounds and even covered paths and roads. The pesky family phoned having reached the church, so I had to hurry up to meet them. We meet another international family with a Spanish base and Peruvian and other in-laws and then came down to a small cafe opposite the town hall. I gulped down my drink and dashed up to the church again (sadly closed) and came down slowly taking photos. 

The town was remarkably empty, just the occasional local pedestrian or car and small gaggle of Spanish -American tourists. The elders had moved on. The good natured owner was at his meal and called out that they had gone on to the car. Pulling the car keys out of my coat pocket and waving them with a grin was met with laughter. I found the trio one cafe further down the hill, joined them for a tea before we set off together back to the car. The road led through the town's small bullring and back down through the cloud and home. 

The news today was full of the 60th anniversary of the signing of 'The Treaty of Rome'. Back then, the UK was invited, but huffilly declined to join in, changing is mind about being a part of Europe a couple of months later. This time the UK was absent again, but intent on a Brexit path. 

Speeches at the event suggested that Europe was contemplating a two speed path, with the fast track going for closer integration.

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